How do you use ERP/CRM solutions in a hybrid work environment?

Jon Fromreide

Ever since the start of the pandemic, we've heard the discussions: Should employees work from home? Should they be forced back into offices? Or is the hybrid solution best? In any case, it is clear that there have been changes in how we work, and everyday life will not be the same as before. This has led to businesses needing a link between business systems and the collaboration tools they use.

Microsoft is one of the few vendors that works actively in both these areas, delivering good solutions for the end user. They offer solid ERP and CRM solutions based on the Dynamics 365 product family. At the same time, they offer collaboration tools with Microsoft Teams. This ensures that the user gets a tight integration between these main tools - now, and in the future.

To execute a trade and ensure satisfied customers, a team is needed. Salespeople need to work with marketing, technical experts, and finance to make sure their customers' payment information is in order. Likewise, customer service must collaborate with both internal and external experts to solve customer challenges. In both scenarios, you have to juggle different apps, communication platforms and channels. This can slow down the workflow or result in missing some important connection.

Integrating Microsoft Teams into Dynamics 365 creates seamless collaboration and increased productivity in all scenarios. Dynamics users will be able to leverage the chat feature Teams is known for. This includes everything from text editing, people tagging, conversation threads, file sharing and task allocation, to using emojis. At the same time, sending, editing or deleting messages is retained.

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3 benefits of the integration between Dynamics 365 and Teams:

By integrating Microsoft Teams and Dynamics 365, you can invite anyone in your business to access all the information you want to share in one place, at no additional cost. That means you can find new, effective solutions to speed up your workflow.

If your company uses Microsoft Teams for collaboration today, without using Dynamics 365, there may be a good argument for replacing today's ERP system. In this way, the strong integration between Dynamics 365 and Teams can be leveraged, while the combination opens up for every conceivable work situation for the foreseeable future.

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It is about optimising and streamlining processes for production, warehousing and logistics. About an ERP system that makes it possible to handle changes in needs and demand quickly, and the expertise to best utilise the technology.
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