Enable - Growth and profitability based on a comprehensive and innovative technology platform

Ranja Ovedal

Enable – enable – utilise – seize opportunities. To unlock the full potential of business and technology, a modern platform designed for security and continuous innovation is required. Through digital transformation and with cloud services, the company is equipped to seize opportunities and achieve its goals.

Drivers of change originate throughout the business, which is facing increased competition and changes they must deal with every day.

Increased profitability, reduced risk

What is certain is that the requirements for growth, increased profitability and reducing business risk will always be on the agenda of management and owners. Whether growth is realised through acquisitions, internationalisation or the launch of new products and services, one must always be prepared and know what the competitors are doing. For the CIO, it's also about more basic needs like ensuring safe workplaces and an efficient IT department.

For both business and IT, it's about the ability to adapt to the market and respond quickly to changes. The success stories from the companies that succeed are based on the fact that they have a rock-solid, unified and holistic value chain that supports both the business and IT. Whatever their business needs, they have access to solutions and tools that are interconnected and utilise the opportunities offered by technology. They have created a company with a breadth and depth of technology and expertise, and a culture that always strives to bring out the best in people and the organisation.

Many executives say it's hard to understand the value that all the technology investments create, and this is exactly where we have a role to play. We will ensure that investments are rooted in the business plan so that customers can more easily seize new opportunities with rapid digital development. They should understand the value created by and with data, says Jørn Seglem, CEO Evidi.

A modern cloud solution is actually the answer – and provides new opportunities for everyone!

It is important to realise that automating a process basically provides value for the process in question. For example, "robots" have been used for many years to speed up the execution of manual tasks in a financial process – but they have not solved the challenge of automating the financial process. Why let the bot log in to the system and extract data that is "pasted" into another system? That doesn't help the underlying challenge — which is a lack of integrations between different systems and data sources in order for data to move "seamlessly."

By moving the company's IT environment to Microsoft's cloud services, a stable and scalable platform is established that allows you to meet new requirements faster, whether they come from IT or the business. Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 offer all layers of cloud services, such as IaaS and PaaS.

The job isn't done just because the solutions are in the cloud

Planning and implementing the transfer of IT services to cloud-based services can be challenging for many. Access to smart tools and best practices for the establishment, configuration, operation and further development of cloud services is a prerequisite. The tools will help the business with a secure and stable digital platform, all the way to users' devices such as mobile phones and PCs.

If you want to be able to withdraw profits, it is not enough to implement a new platform and think that the job is done. There will always be a need for human contribution, and the processes that have previously been manual must be changed in order to extract the effects. In other words, the most important thing is to focus on change management.

Digital transformation projects result in changes for most people in a business – either directly or indirectly. The removal of technical debt will be important so that resources and costs can be freed up. Employees who experience change and tasks are lost should be retrained so that they become a resource and contributor to the change agenda.

We help you extract value from technology!

Our customers understand that technology is critical to the operation and development of their business. Therefore, they want to work with a partner who is committed to creating the most value, both financially and humanly. Evidi has a holistic approach to technology, business processes and people. We adapt world-leading technology to the specific needs of each business. Together, we ensure that our customers are uniquely positioned to identify and create new opportunities.