CRM Strategy - The roadmap of where you are going, and what you are going to achieve

Ida Smedheim Bjerklund

CRM implementation with value creation in focus

To get started with CRM, your business depends on clarifying what needs to be achieved, how it will be accomplished, and what resources are available to achieve the desired value. A CRM strategy is a plan for how CRM will contribute to delivering value for your customers, employees, and partners. At Evidi, we work on CRM strategy, where we together prepare a clear roadmap as a foundation for the continued work. The roadmap includes a fully developed CRM strategy, defined goals, focus areas, and clear KPIs. Together, we outline what the future should look like, and we set up each building block and milestone to ensure that we reach our goal.

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Why CRM strategy?

Without a clear road map, it is easy to get lost in the vast landscape. Strategy, goal setting and focus areas are guiding stars when CRM is introduced into a business. Conducting thorough preliminary work is essential for a successful implementation. We are experts in CRM and Power Platform with the experience in implementing CRM. We know that to succeed with new tools and work processes, a business is entirely dependent on a clear CRM strategy. This is based on the company's main strategy, where we set clear goals and KPIs. We usually work with an agile approach, where goals and focus areas are adjusted along the way, so that we can be sure to deliver, based on your business needs and situation.

Hva gjør vi?

I Engage arbeider vi med strategi og mål i Forberedelsesfasen av en potensiell eller etablert CRM implementering. 

Vi deler opp forberedelsesfasen i to stadier: 

1) Tilnærming

2) Innsikt

I dette arbeidet hjelper vi deg og din virksomhet med å definere CRM-strategi og konkrete målsettinger (som bygger opp om strategien), utarbeide fokusområder og målbare KPIer. Sammen vurderer vi omfanget og avgrenser leveransen, definerer mandat og legger en plan for videre fremdrift. Som en del av Innsiktsfasen går vi mer i dybden på brukerreiser og personas knyttet opp mot mål og fokusområder. Videre kartlegger vi arbeidsprosesser (AS-IS og TO-BE) og utarbeider systemkart og arkitektur. Sammen utarbeider vi brukerhistorier, overordnet løsningsdesign for MVP (Minimal Viable Product), gevinstkart og anbefaler veien videre med prioriterte leveranseområder (alltid med strategi og mål som kompass).

What do you get?

After completing the Preparation phase with the strategy project and insights, you will receive:

  • Clarified scope for MVP
  • Fully developed CRM strategy with goals, focus areas, and KPIs
  • Fully developed user stories with acceptance criteria
  • Fully prioritized backlog for further development anchored to the strategy and goals
  • Solution design for MVP
  • Benefit map
  • Risk matrix

In this way, you and your business are optimally secured and ready to proceed to an Execution phase (implementation phase) if desired.

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