Cyber Secure Packages

Cyber Secure Packages is an overall technical assessment and mitigation service which outlines exactly where the vulnerabilities in your IT infrastructure are, and how to secure them.

The packages include workshops with a senior security advisor, to relate to risk, compliance and overall security planning.

Payment is set to fixed monthly rates, and mitigation hours is included in all packages.

We offer the following Cyber Secure Packages:

Red Pill
Premium +

Red Pill

This is a One Time Technical Assessment Service.

  • Attack Surface Monitoring
  • Dark Web & Data Leakage
  • Brand Security
  • Workshop with Senior Security Advisor


This is an overall Technical Assessment (on annual basis)

Ethical Hacking

  • External Vulnerable Assessment & Penetration Training

End Point Security

  • Endpoint Configuration Review

Network Security Assessment

  • Network Architecture Review

Application Security

  • Web Application (Gray Box) Testing

Cloud Security

  • Cloud Security and Architecture Review
  • Cloud Configuration Review
  • Cloud Email Configuration Review

Contextual Threat Assessment

  • Dark Web & Brand Security Reviews

Identity & Access Management

  • Architecture Review

Overall Risk & Security Planning

  • Workshop with senior security advisor every 6 months
  • Assistance in prioritising security actions to align with business goals

Included Vulnerability Mitigation

  • Cyber Security Professionals and best practice
  • Total of 40 hours included


This is an overall Technical Assessment (on half year basis)

Ethical Hacking

  • External Vulnerability Assessment & Premium Penetration Testing

End Point Security

  • Endpoint Configuration Review

Network Security Assessment

  • Network Architecture Review
  • Network Device Assessment
  • Wireless Security Assessment
  • Firewall Configuration and ACL Review

Application Security

  • Web Application (Gray Box) Testing

Cloud Security

  • Cloud Security and Architecture Review
  • Cloud Configuration Review
  • Cloud Email Configuration Review

Contextual Threat Assessment

  • Dark Web & Brand Security Reviews

Identity & Access Management

  • Architecture Review

Overall Risk & Security Planning

  • Workshop with senior security advisor every 3 months
  • Assistance in prioritising security actions to align with business goals

Vulnerability Mitigation

  • Cyber Security Professionals and best practice
  • Total of 120 hours included


This is an overall Technical Assessment (on half year basis)

See all features in Premium Service above.

In addition, your own Cyber Security Professional once a week for proactive tuning.

Get in touch with our advisors here.